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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Keys to Attract Students

Saya budak baru belajar, kalau salah tolong tunjukkan.

Why students skip class? Boring? Not interested? Too many formulas to memorize? They just cannot accept it anymore?

This has been an issue to many institutions out there. From my opinion, the quality of an institution greatly depends on the quality of the academicians themselves. This topic has been questioned in several interviews for academicians positions.

I would love to share my opinions on this topic.

A wise man once said. 
"High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectations."
These are several keys that I think (from my observations for the past few years) can attract students to keep their attendances filled:

1. Attractive Appearance

Neat, attractive, wear branded bags, branded clothes. These are all jewels to human eyes. People dreams to have these materials.  So they aim for it. Aiming to get those. In their mind, “How can he/ she buy those shoes? I wish I can be like him/her.”

Be an idol to the students.

“Oh, she’s sooo beautiful, I want to see her again.”..”I wonder what she’ll wear today.” 

Curiosity makes people do things they don’t think they would possibly do. Students would be attracted to come to class, one of the reason, well surprisingly true to some cases, to see their lecturer’s latest fashion trend. So, be attractive and unique. I’m not saying dress annoyingly sexy or disturbing, you don’t want to be a bad example to the students. Dress attractively acceptable to the eye of people or the best words are the most attractively acceptable to Allah SWT rules.

2. Good Personality

“The lecturer is so active in class. I’ll get less bored.”…"The lecturer is so funny. I like him/her.”…"He/ She is passionate. I want to be like him/her.” These statements have always been used by students of all era.

So, an educator should always keep active. Then, the students wouldn’t get sleepy in class.

3.      Giving Rewards

“Oh my god! That lecturer knows my name.”…”Hey guys, I got a cute book mark from my lecturer and she wrote, ‘Keep up the good work! I’ll definitely put all my effort on this.” 

Rewards and praises are encouragements to the students. 
This would attract them to attend class to get better results. Everyone needs motivation to keep moving.

4.      Students Involvements

“Now, you! The one wearing red shirt! What’s the relation between linear velocity and rotational velocity?”...”Whoever write the answer on the board will get 1 bonus mark.”…. “Why high heels give deeper holes to the sand ground compared to men’s shoes?”…”How submarine works? What do you think lad?” 

Give the students 5 minutes to discuss with each other for the answer. The students would feel proud of themselves for being able get involved in the class.

5.      Videos and Animations

“Words….too much words!” Students would get stressed out to see so many words and numbers in the slides. They would be too tired to imagine the applications of the formulas in real life. 
 So, lead and guide them by adding videos or animations regarding the topics. 
The videos should involve the examples of real situation, or evidence to convince them that the Physics formulas have been proven to be applicable in real situation. Plus, the animations would keep their attentions in class.

These are several techniques on keeping students attending class. These simple tips I think should not be neglected. Students are human beings too, and plus they are young.

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