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Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Alamak. Bos dah mintak kerja la pulak. Dah dua kali dah dia suruh I fokus kat IONICS more. I je degil. Hehe. I ni cepat terpengaruh. Yes sir! InsyaAllah I akan pulun seminggu ni siapkan satu paper yang memang dah lame I harapkan I dapat siapkan. Again, he advised me to focus on the impedance studies. No need other studies. Yap! I've looked through other journals discussing this topic. However, the information is still not enough. I really need to read more on this topic. Yang dah siap tu better print. Anytime Dr come and check, there'll be something I can show to him.

Don't worry to make mistakes as we'll learn from it.


WuMing said...

Ikut saja arahan Boss... buat laju-laju... he..he..he..

Salwa said...

Tu ar. Kena patuh arahan bos. Kalau tak...habis lah.