

Dijemput Klik Andai Berkenan ;)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Short of $$$!

I am in a pretty huge problem.$$$! I've used most of my savings for the past 2 months..I have reached the critical state. Actually I though I'll get my salary at the end of this month. However, my friend told me that working with the government doesn't guarantee that. It depends on which date you started your work. You'll get your salary after full 1 month of working. Urgh... I need to pay a lot of things. The house, this broadband..and so forth. I really need to manage my money carefully so that when the bad time occur again in the future, I'll have my own backup.
Well, for the time being I need to survive with the remaining cash till 1 month of working hour. At this point, that is 1 weeks, so another 3 weeks.
No new shoes! No new dress! No shopping! Spend your money according to your simple needs. Be grateful for what you already have.

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