Some would ask me, why do you want to go to the conference? Well, my aim grasp knowledge. The knowledge which could not be found in books, or any other sources. You have the chance to meet face to face researchers that come from different places around the world. You'll get up to date with current research fields. At the same time, I'm still trying to find some ideas and still identifying for a title to further my study. If I stop attending conferences, I might gonna lose interest in research, well, that's a bad thing for an educator. The beats should not be stopped. Once it stops, then you are dead. To come back alive, will require lots of energy and time consuming.
Saya harap pembentangan saya nanti memberi manfaat bukan sahaja kepada diri saya sendiri, juga kepada hadirin yang sudi mendengar. Niat, berkongsi ilmu, belajar dan menerima seandainya terdapat kesalahan pada kefahaman sedia ada.
Semoga perjalanan kami esok dibekalkan taqwa Allah dan diampunkan dosa. Aamiin.