Don't postpone any tasks or you will definitely regret later.
Also, there are several things I've learned for this month. Attention, don't postponed any tasks, or you will regret later. This is one of my bad habit. I tend to postponed the simple tasks. Especially when it comes to financial management. I didn't claim the practical training elaun which I should have done it last year. So, I lose RM200. Then, due to buzy day I've sent the letter to claim last month's salary after the due date in which I didn't realize the actual due bad. I'm really seriously in big trouble for this one. Plus, I need to pay the academic fee on first week of this December in which I'm not sure if I have enough savings in the bank. I hope it is. Big probability it isn't though. Besides that, I didn't report to cancel my account for the broadband. So, it cost me RM250 although I didn't use the service at all. Huh! I never though the independent life would be this complicated. Therefore, I have to...really seriously have to change my habit so that I would never get into this situation again for next years. I really messed up this time. My bad... ;(