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Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Rasulullah SAW bersabda mafhumnya: 
“Orang yang cerdik lagi berakal ialah orang yang merendahkan dirinya (dengan sifat tawaduk), di samping menghisabkannya dan beramal untuk selepas mati. Sedangkan orang yang lemah, ialah orang yang mengikut nafsunya dan bercita-cita kepada Allah beberapa cita-cita (angan-angan).” (Hadis riwayat Imam Ahmad dan Ibn Majah)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Instruments for Characterization of Properties

The list of instruments commonly used in journals when investigating the performance of polymer electrolytes in application of energy storage devices:

  1. FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy)
  2. DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimeter)
  3. Tensile Test
  4. TGA (Thermogravimetric Analysis)
  5. IS (Impedance Spectroscopy)
  6. Cyclic Voltammetry
  7. Linear Sweep Voltammetry
  8. Charge-discharge cycling test
And many more. These are the common instruments used for characterization. The results can be varied into several different graphs depending on what you are researching for. Hopefully I'll get good and acceptable results for all the samples.

Link to identify the available instruments in UiTM Shah Alam:

I think this picture shows the students are investigating the relationship of resistance and voltage. From google la tapi.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Weekend yang tak sihat...huhu..

I felt a bit sick today...sejak balik kampung ni, sore throat, stomach ache. urgh~ climate change syndrome i guess. Sepanjang minggu ni pun cuaca agak panas. Temperature badan naik sikit. Rasanyer la. Kat rumah ni xde thermometer. hehe. So, I just stay at home watching Hindustan movie (yang saya jarang nak tengok...tapi cerita minggu ni sedap plak...sebab sindrom ni kot). Nak makan pun takde perasaan. Nak taip post ni pun pening-pening. Got no idea what to write. So, I'm writing nonsense.huhu. Ingar nak cerita pasal senior bagi tips dan nasihat sebagai seorang pelajar master. Dia berceramah panjang semalam. Tapi panjang sangat plak cerita nyer kang. Mood bagi tips tengah takde. Maybe next time. I'll write the tips for the next post. Petang ni kita tengok  movie je la ye. Sementara mengunggu entertainment lain. (mood ingin membuang masa).

Tengah sore throat ni nyanyi lagu Ramli Sarip pun best gak.haha.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Hastle Buzzle Day.

Today would be a busy hustle day as I'll be away from Shah Alam till this Sunday. Wohho! Balik kampung. So, I have to finished all the unaccomplished work for this week . The samples should be in stirring mode, the thin film should be put in the vacuum oven so that I can left it for this two days with no worries, submit the PGD and JPA application form and lastly meeting my supervisor for my journal title discussion. All that must be accomplished today. Good luck to myself and also to everyone!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Macam-macam Dugaan..namun...

Yesterday was a hectic day. Me and my friend were asked by our supervisor to conduct a class as he got some business to deal with. So, I've planned to borrow Kak Em's scooter to go to the class (Plan A) as the class is pretty far fro my faculty. However, suddenly the scooter wouldn't start. I don't know why. Even a guy nearby has tried starting the engine but he also can't. So, I borrowed Hafi's motorcycle instead (Plan B). Ok..the engine can be started easily. As it was less than 5 minutes left for the class to start, I accelerate and drove faster and used an illegal short cut (which this short cut is actually a one way road..risky that one). On the way, I was nearly put a scratch on a red Honda Civic that parked (also illegally) at the side of the road. Alhamdulillah..I managed to avoid that car. Then, when we arrived at the faculty we took a long time to figure out where the parking spot for motorcycle. Yap..the parking spot was a bit too far for me. So, I just parked someplace nearer (which my motorcycle is the only vehicle parked at that row). I was just hoping the guards won't see our motorbike. Then, Alhamdulillah..we  managed to arrived on time. 
So we've been tested with a lot of hardships that really test our patience. And the hadiah is we were able to have our lunch at out favourite restaurant not long time ago..before we move to the current house. Plus, our supervisor gave us elaun (a.k.a. treat) for helping him conducting the class.

This is not me of course..hehe.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ayam Masak Kicap

I cooked ayam masak kicap for dinner tonight. This is a simple recipe, not much ingredients needed.

Ayam (potong kecil-kecil)
1 biji bawang besar (dimayang)
1 ulas bawang putih (dihancur)
2 cm halia
2 cili merah (dihiris)
Kicap Manis/Masin (Tambah kicap pekat pun boleh)
1 sudu besar Sos Tiram
Sedikit minyak

1. Tumis bawang dan halia. Tuang kicap dan sos tiram ikut rasa. Biarkan kicap masak dengan api perlahan (kuat sangat api boleh buatkan kicap hangus~tips kawan saya)
2. Masukkan ayam, tambah air dan biarkan 10 minit (bagi lemak minyak ayam meresap keluar ke kuah).
3. Masukkan cili merah, sedikit garam (kalau guna kicap masin, kurangkan garam). Biar masak sehingga kering mengikut citarasa.
4. Sedia untuk dihidang.

Ayam Masak Kicap yang mudah. 
Maaf gambar kurang memuaskan sebab ambil guna kamera handset saje.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Spageti Bolognese

Spageti Bolognese a.k.a Sos Daging. Saya masak spageti ni beberapa minggu yang lepas. Measurement ingredients saya tak berapa ingat sebab saya pun main masukkan ikut rasa. So, bahan-bahan dia boleh la saya ingat. Hasilkan sangat sedap!

1 paket spageti
10 biji buah tomato (dicincang)
1 paket daging cincang ~500gm
5 sudu besar sos tomato
1 sudu besar sos cili
2 biji bawang besar (ditumbuk)
1 biji bawang putih (ditumbuk)
1 tin cendawan butang
3/4 mentega ~150gm

1. Rebus spagetti dalam air. Masukkan 1 sudu minyak dalam air tersebut (mengelakkan spageti daripada melekat antara satu sama lain).
2. Masukkan mentega. Tumis bawang-bawang. Campurkan semua sos, tomato, cendawan butang, daging cincang. Kacau hingga sebati.Biarkan masak sampai naik minyak. Tambah air jika perlu. Letak garam.
3. Toskan spageti yang dah lembut direbus. Makan dengan sos tersebut.


This is the spaghetti I've cooked. Goodluck!

Hell's Kitchen!

"Dear me,
I'm kinda depressed right now. This is all happened in the cooking. I'm a bit mad for them not listening to me when I told them to do so. They'll say that it is too much. That's too over...bla..bla..bla... Now looks what happened. Sigh...when it comes to cooking there should not be more than 1 chef."

Those are my feelings this evening. However, now it was nothing but a bump on the road. Everyone make mistakes even myself who often forgetting stuff and all that. That's what friends for. We should help each other, sharing, caring, forgive and forget. Of course some cases it is important to put ourselves first. Nonetheless, it won't be a crime to help others. Plus, we will definitely experience the joyfulness of having your friends with you. The Cadbury commercial motto, 'Share the joy'. The more the merrier.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Nasi Lemak

This morning we cooked nasi lemak. We already have the sambal ikan bilis from a dinner we attended yesterday. So, lets skip the sambal. I'll only explain the recepi for nasi lemak. Next time, we'll discuss on the sambal.hehe. We used the concentrated coconut milk (in box) because that's the only coconut milk available in our house.

Nasi Lemak:
3 1/2 cawan beras
3/4 santan kotak
1 ulas bawang putih (dimayang)
1 biji bawang merah (dimayang)
1 inci halia (hiris halus)
3 helai daun pandan (dicarik-carik dan diikat)
Sedikit garam dan gula

1. Masukkan semua sekali dalam periuk nasi (periuk nasi elektrik pun boleh). Tambah air sampai sama sukatan seperti masak nasi biasa. Lebihkan sikit pun boleh juga.
2. Pastu biar masak. (tips of the day: jangan samapi hangus.)
3. Rebus la telur rebus. (biar lama sikit, kalo tak, nanti lembik)

Gambar hiasan. Tak terambil gambar sendiri. Lapar sangat.